Friday, September 20, 2013


Hi All,
Well it has been a busy past couple of days. Norah is officially no longer an ICU pt as the surgeon put it, we have been demoted. Never thought that would be such a great thing. Norah is getting better day by day. We are officially off all IV medications and her last central line came out this morning. The only thing we still have in is the NG tube down her nose for feedings. Our next big hurdle will be feedings. To go home Norah needs to take 45-50ml per feeding. At first that didn't seem like to much but she only has the endurance right now to take 15-20 mls at a time. The rest go down her NG tube. Norah has been pretty fussy as well. Most likely related to starting the feedings and getting her belly working again. She seems to be much better today but the nurses keep saying to get our sleep now because she is a feisty one! Of course in good ol' Amanda post partum fashion my body decided not to fully cooperate. I ended up in the ER the other night due to bleeding and a uterine infection. They were able to treat me in the ER and I was able to be discharge that night. I am doing better and luckily the antibiotic I need to be one was actually one that Norah was on after surgery so I don't need to worry about her reacting to it. They had to drag me out of here practically kicking and screaming yesterday, but after a days rest I am feeling much better. Thank you again for all of your prayers and support. We are hopefully looking at being discharged next week some time but it all depends on Norah and when she decides to eat. Hopefully her Mickelson appetite will kick in soon :)



  1. Norah is following in the footprints of her older sisters .... she is absolutely adorable! You are very blessed, Luke & Amanda! I will keep you ALL in prayer as you work together to get your new beauty home with you. :)

    Amy Shattuck

  2. Thank God that everything is going great with miss Norah and that you're doing great as well. Hats off to you and luke for handling this very well!!
