Monday, April 29, 2013

Why I'm here

Norah's Hats- Luke and I will be starting a new adventure. In January we found out we would be expecting our third child! My due date is September 7th. Our newest addition will be named Norah Kate. The pregnancy has been pretty normal up to this point. On Friday we had a routine 20 week ultrasound. That is when things became less routine.

 During the ultrasound the tech was having a hard time getting pictures of the babies heart. Finally after we finished the ultrasound we met with my OB. Everything looked good on the ultrasound except they found some abnormalities in the heart and we were referred to a neonatologist to have a level two ultrasound and meet with the specialist. We met with specialist this morning and had the ultrasound. Things still are not looking right with the babies heart. The diagnosis we are facing now is called Transposition of the Great Arteries.

 Tomorrow Luke and I will be meeting with a pediatric cardiologist to have a fetal echocardiogram to nail down the diagnosis. The bad news- Norah will need open heart surgery shortly after birth to correct her heart condition. The good new- We found this on an ultrasound so we will be prepared. This can be corrected and the rest of the ultrasound up to this point is normal.

So why named Norah's Hats?- While doing research on the condition and looking at other mom's blogs with babies that are sick. Most of the babies had really cute hats on because moms could not put them in anything else. So I plan on getting some really cute hats to dress Norah up in while we are in the hospital. The collection has already started so if anyone comes across a cute hat let me know!

Luke and I are doing alright. Luke is my rock as usual and has been incredibly strong. I took the weekend to kind of fall apart, but now I have put myself back together. I blame it on the hormones. Please pray for strength to get through this. Pray for my two other children. I will post any new updates as they come.